Our Code of Ethics is the foundation for our commitment to legal and regulatory compliance, integrity, ethical conduct, and core values of The Cigna Group.
The Code of Ethics of The Cigna GroupSM drives compliant business practices and provides important and valuable guidance on ethical decision-making for our colleagues around the world. It supports our ability to live our values every day and enables us to truly embody our mission to improve the health and vitality of those we serve. It also defines the following core principles that guide our decisions and our actions.
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The Cigna Group is passionate about doing the right things for our customers, shareholders, and communities in which we do business around the world. We hold ourselves to high standards, which begins with core ethical principles that form the foundation of the commitment to integrity, corporate social responsibility, legal compliance, and ethical conduct of The Cigna Group.
All reports of violations are treated confidentially, and can be submitted anonymously, if you wish. If you have an ethics or compliance concern, need to report a suspected violation, or simply have a question about whether something is appropriate, please contact the Ethics Help Line.
You can contact the Ethics Help Line confidentially (including anonymously, where permitted by law), 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you would like to remain anonymous, please consider providing us with a non-identifiable email address or phone number, so we can contact you to obtain additional information without compromising your anonymity.
If you are a supervisor, Compliance Officer, or member of the Legal department at Cigna HealthcareSM and you receive a report of a possible ethics violation, you must report it to the Ethics Help Line.
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